Friday, June 01, 2007

May the Best Blogs Begin!

Let's not be lazy bloggers today. We are going to start off with some online reading which may help give you some direction for your "best blog post." First, check out the NPR site of the radio diaries. These include fascinating stories/interviews from people who share challenges you may connect with your reading this semester. Likewise, the interviews included on the Face to Face site will reflect some of the issues we've read about as well. These stories can lead you to areas you'd like to ponder, read about, reflect on, research further online, and blog and share! Take time to read and connect and question what you know. When you blog, you should be able to link us to your readings. Have fun!

As always, happy reading, happy blogging, and happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Best Blog Post Yet...What To Do?

Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words...
These pictures illustrate a conversation I had this morning. The first is picture is of Rodin's statue entitled "The Thinker," and it is famous enough that many people would recognize it with no label. The second picture, however, has an interesting addition that brings us to the 21st century and the topic of my conversation! What do you think?

This morning before school I met with my fellow English teachers, and I found myself talking about blogging...I accidentally said something that I thought truly summed up why I see blogging as a great avenue for teaching. Let's see if I can remember it........

........I believe that we are ALL learners: students and teachers, adults and teens alike. I don't want to insult anyone - ever - by telling them what they should think. Likewise, I don't want anyone to insult me by telling me what to think. The blog allows us the liberty to write about our thoughts, our views, our opinions, and to share (summarize and link) the information that led us to form those conclusions. Readers get to see why I think the way I do. In other words, I could write about UFO's (just as an example) and instead of simply telling my readers whether or not I thought they were real, I could link my readers to the outside reliable sources that led me to my opinions. You may not really care about the way I think, but you might be interested in knowing how I formed my opinion! This might or might not influence your opinion, but will allow you a glimpse of my view.

Real blogging is making those connections with each other, the texts we read, and the world beyond us all. In today's world, we are so influenced by the media that surrounds us that I think it's important to be able to evaluate our sources, understand our differences, and examine how and why we believe the things we do!

The other beauty about blogging is the ability to share ideas through commenting. It's, of course, nice to get validation from fellow bloggers who agree with our thoughts, but it's also a great opportunity to ask the right questions and explore a topic more deeply...This doesn't mean flaming about hot issues, but does mean reading other viewpoints and finding an understanding of how others came to think the way they do.

We'll be taking the citywide benchmark tests today and tomorrow, but Friday we'll return to classroom reading workshop time and blogging. Be thinking about the most profound reading you've done this year. Be thinking about a book that changed the way you see things, or a book that was entertaining, or a book that challenged you. Be thinking about how you might blog about that experience, about how you might research or link us to enrichment or other related material. As you are reading through our blog, please connect with other bloggers by looking for potential discussions you can participate in. This will also give you a chance to build your summer reading list!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Final Days, Final Project, Final Thoughts!

Our final days together really are a celebration of all we've experienced and learned on this journey through freshman English. The benchmark tests for Honors English I will be administered on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, and after that, we'll be working on demonstrating the best blogging yet, our thoughts on pleasure reading, which will include a summer reading list, writing publication, and goals for reading and writing.

On your last blogging self-assessment, you set goals for improvement, and you were also asked to think about a final blog project - something related to your reading that you could research and share on the blog. This is how we will spend our final days!

In the meantime, many of you blogged over the long weekend. Once again, there is very interesting reading on the blog. Anna at the Disco writes about her life goals; check it out.
Bumblebee has quite an extensive suggested reading list, and I think you'll find some great ideas there. Lastly, BlondeC8 writes about allusions to literature we've read this year! (There is also a link to what Shakespearean play you are...)

Thanks again to all of you for making my reading such a joy. As always, happy reading and blogging!