Monday, May 21, 2007

Act V: Can There Be A Resolution?

As you know, the last act of any Shakespearean tragedy offers the final climax of the play and a sense of resolution. In other words, all of the loose ends are finally tied up. As we read these final scenes, we notice how neatly it all fits together, not just in plot or story line, but also in the language itself. The poetry itself in the last speeches of the play reflects a more dignified, formal tone. We'll look closely at this in class today and tomorrow.

Friday's reading and blogging illustrates your thoughts on the play, your independent reading, and even some of your political/moral/ethical opinions. Look over the blog rules that you created -they are listed at the beginning of each blog spot- and be sure that you are respectful of one another and of our safety concerns, anonymity, and language. Having a virtual classroom has been an honor and a privilege, and it is so nice to have bloggers leave comments in response to our thoughts and ideas. The safety and etiquette rules you created included respect for opposing opinions. It's those connections that you make with each other that often bring a deeper meaning to the issues we discuss.

Keep reading and blogging!


At 1:57 PM, Blogger KuroiKisu said...

I can't wait until we finish Romeo and Juliet, we didn't get to watch the older version that much. I really was looking forward to finished the old version, I liked it a little more than the newer version! ^_^

At 2:57 PM, Blogger A_Band_Geek said...

Mrs. James, just to start this off, I'm really, REALLY sorry for any trouble that I may have caused on the boards. I honestly didn't mean for my comment to be taken as horribly as it was. I thought nothing wrong with it, since I assumed that I was only stating my opinion. I really am sorry. I was so nervous when they said A_band_geek was going to get into trouble.

I didn't mean to cause a lecture or anything about that, or offend anyone. I would never do that on purpose. I'm so sorry...

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Scarlett_Rose said...

I agree with kuroikisu, I liked the older version a LOT better!


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