Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Secret of Success: Teamwork

At last it's Friday, and as we look back on the week, we realize how important it is to contribute to the team goal. This picture of Hailey and Katie shows a true effort at teamwork! On Monday we'll be watching the results of our efforts as we share our presentations of Act III and part of Act IV. I can't wait.

For a little Friday humor, I've linked you to a video clip about why children need pets. Check this out for teamwork!

Friday is reading and writing workshop day. Bring your independent reading and we'll finish up polishing our presentations, and then we'll read and blog.

Speaking of blogging, have you read m1012's review of last night's Mr. KHS contest? If you missed attending Mr. KHS, you'll at least get a taste of it by reading m1012's post! Gratefuldead36 writes about weekend movie plans and, as always, this post includes interesting art that gratefuldead36 loves to discuss. Check it out. ShortIe discusses global warming, a topic you may wish to discuss, and Koala posted about yesterday's "think aloud" poetry.

As always, keep reading and blogging!



At 11:07 AM, Blogger Karee said...

Ms. James that picture is so cute!
I wish that we could watch little clip that you have as a link you seemed to like it a lot. I will watch it at home.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger A_Band_Geek said...

I loved that clip! It was funny! I loved the pug. It was so cute!

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Ms. James said...

Thanks! Glad you liked it!

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Phasma said...

That was awesome - the black cat was just about the coolest cat ever! Well, except my Leo. No one can really top Leo - but then, everyone who's owned a pet is a tad biased in that respect, right? Anyways, the laughter in the video was the best - those little kids reminded me a lot of my kid sister... she laughs that way too [insert smile].

At 3:40 PM, Blogger glamorousnpink said...

i really agree on the whole teamwork is success thing because it is really true about the world and how that can be used♥


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