Friday, April 27, 2007

TGIF: A Week In Review!

Looking over our blogs, I have to say there is some very interesting reading this week. For example , Student 1127 has linked the class to a blogger who writes extensively about life in Iraq. Student 1127 has family serving in Iraq, so I can sure see why this link would provide a fascinating view of political issues which you may or may not agree with. Check it out! Thanks, Student 1127.

On the topic of current events, many of you posted about the tragedy at Virginia Tech and so many of you talked about the importance of reaching out and being kind to each other. It's hard to imagine what would push a person to that kind of insanity.

I notice bloggers are getting and giving great advice on books to read. Glamorousnpink asked for help and bloggers were quick to respond! The variety of books offer a lot of great choices. Way to go! How many of you like Grey's Anatomy? If so, you need to read Lakewobegon's post!

Mostly all of you wrote about Shakespeare, too. Cavalierschick wrote about Lois Burdett's grade school version of Romeo and Juliet. I got a kick out of the title: Shakespeare and Naptime!

Lastly, I enjoyed reading a number of your comments about writing poetry. Those of you who can put your hands on just the right pictures are so lucky!

Poetry, pictures, artwork, music, and even dancing can deepen our understanding of the world!

Have a great weekend! Keep reading and blogging!

*A note to those of you who missed class today...We conferenced our free verse poems today. The packet (lst draft, conferencing notes, revision, and letter) are due on Tuesday.


At 3:10 PM, Blogger A_Band_Geek said...

Hey Ms. James! Those are pretty cool links! I really liked the Iraq girl one. It's really cool that she takes time out of her hectic life for that! That would be hard, wouldn't it? Yeah...

I just wanted to say that my cousin and I were talking about Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare yesterday. He actually didn't write about the stuff he did. There was always a metaphor behind it.

During that time period, the Catholic church had split into another church- the Church of England. Some went with the CoE, some still followed Catholism. In Romeo and Juliet, the Catholic church represented the Capulets and the Montagues were the Church of England. The story was there to make people wonder what would happen if the two churches became one again and if things would be better. Of course, it wouldn't work out, which is why the two lover die in the end.

Pretty cool huh? Share that with the class, ok? Please?

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Ms. James said...

That's a very interesting theory. Is there a source we can go to read about this? Thanks for sharing!

At 3:34 PM, Blogger A_Band_Geek said...

I don't know whether there is or not. My cousin has a friend who's taking a Shakespeare class in college or who did. We started talking about my English class and fell into that topic.

Also, apparently, Shakespeare's time didn't speak and write in Olde English. It was an early version of modern English. But once again, that fact came from a college class.

You're welcome! Any time! I love this class.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Ms. James said...

The play is set in Italy and catholicism is the religion. I've not heard of any theory about Anglican Catholics vs. Roman Catholics, but one could certainly imagine - especially in countries like Ireland - where these differences could set families apart. How about in the Middle East? Our textbook has a story about a Palestinian and an Israeli who fall in love. This serves as a reminder that this familiar theme could play out most anywhere.


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