Monday, April 16, 2007

Poetry and Photo Story: What Would Shakespeare Do?

Today we're having Writing Workshop and laptops, finishing up our Photo Story poetry. You'll have time to blog about poetry, Shakespeare, your independent reading, and any other related topics. Be sure you engage in conversations...comment, comment, comment! I haven't gotten any comments in a long time.

I'm looking forward to our time to publish today. I wish we could upload these stories to our blog sites, but at least we can share these on the projector during class today.

Have fun with photos, imagery, and music! Keep reading!
*Don't forget to study for the vocabulary quiz tomorrow. The words (if you've forgotten) are listed on last Wednesday's blog post!


At 3:14 PM, Blogger Colten said...

No one has commented you in a long time, I was the last one and that was about a week ago.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Colten said...

Is Katie going to dress up for Shakespear?


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