Thursday, April 26, 2007

"A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet"

It is easy to see qualities in Shakespeare's characters that are still evident in human nature today. Do you recognize qualities from any of these characters in people you know...or even yourself? Tybalt's hot temperedness...Romeo's impulsive attraction to beauty...Mercutio's relentless attempt at humor (at anyone's expense)...Benvolio's kind and loyal nature...the list goes on. Who was your favorite character? Why? If this person were alive today, what would he or she do for a living? What would they be like?

Shakespeare’s work is eternal. Many of the lines from his plays are quoted or alluded to in other works. What are some of the famous lines you’ve heard before? How were they originally used in Romeo and Juliet? Who said them and to whom? When were they said and what do they mean? Do they still mean the same thing today? As you blog this week, think about some of these questions and reflect on what you've learned. Write about any one or all of these questions...and, as always, partake in conversations with other bloggers and share your opinions and ideas. Happy blogging!

Remember, tomorrow we are conferencing the first draft of your free verse poetry. Choose a free verse poem from your writer's notebook. It can be one that we've worked on in class this week, or it can be one that you composed on your own. Good luck! Shakespeare has nothing on us.


At 12:04 PM, Blogger kdizzle16 said...

My favorite character is Benvolio. Romeo is romantic and comes in a close second, but he seems to be like to typical teenage boy. Benvolio, however, seems to think things through and use logic, whereas Romeo is an impulse thinker. Benvolio seems mature, and doesn't use violence to solve everything, like the hot-headed Tybalt. If Benvolio were alive today, I think he would be living a modest life with a modest wife and kids, and he would be happy with that.


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