Thursday, May 10, 2007

"Life in a Love": Connecting Browning to Shakespeare

Today's class begins with a think aloud poem, "Life in a Love" by Robert Browning. Isn't it interesting to see how each of us sees poetry and art through our own experiences? I can't wait to see how you interpret this poem and how you connect it to your life and your reading.

Since many of you will miss class tomorrow due to the matinee, be sure you find time to blog on your own, and let me know if you need help finding access. In workshop time today, you'll be finalizing your presentations for Monday. Your group is depending on you. If you know that you will be gone, please check with me and confer with your group. The show must go on!


At 3:34 PM, Blogger A_Band_Geek said...

Hi Ms. James! My team's practically done with our project, and I have to say this was really, really fun! I hope you enjoy our walruses and stuff! They only took me like 20 minutes though. Ah well.


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