Thursday, May 17, 2007

Friday Workshop and Week in Review

In reading the posts this week, you'll see a number of topics. Some of you went to see the school play, but if you didn't have a chance and think you might be interested, read Mellofelloet's post. Speaking of plays, many of you talked about our versions of Romeo and Juliet. The Truth_Never_Falters wrote about the differences in our translations, and Lake_Wobegon wrote about the emerging theme of secrets in our play and how it relates to his or her life.

Braven_Gilmore_Girl questions the wisdom of Juliet's willingness to take the sleeping potion. Spotty C made a connection from our play and the movie The Illusionist. Little_Miss_Sunshine talked about family and her plans for the summer.

Check out those posts and more. Finish Act IV before Monday. As always, happy reading and blogging!


At 3:32 PM, Blogger Beefy Manwich said...

those links were cool. Thanks!


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