Monday, June 11, 2007

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends!

Hello bloggers! Can you believe that this time last week we were in school? I know this may sound a bit sappy, but I already miss ALL of you! You may be getting a chuckle out of the song I've linked this post to, but I do remember when this song first came out, and we (students) all loved it! Now I'm on the other end...although I'm currently enrolled in a summer writing workshop, so doesn't that make me a student, too?

Now that I've had a few days off, I thought I'd take a few minutes to reflect on my gratitude list and our year (semester) of blogging.

First, I owe great thanks to my blog team for all the times I made them pose for just the right illustration for our literature discussion. Some of you may remember the costumed blog dogs and blog baby, too. (Katie's profile picture was the toughest...) My blog team always willingly kept me company, too, during late nights in front of the computer and early mornings as well. Katie, Riley, and the cats (not pictured) took their jobs very seriously as blog models, consultants and editors. What joy!

But it was you bloggers - all of you - who truly made it a joy to be part of the Reading Great Books blog group. You willingly shared your insights about our reading, our school, and life itself. I learned so much from all of you. Though I read through all of the "final" blogs and gave credit where it was due, of course, Katie and I did not have time to sift through them as we would have liked, pondering and commenting as we read. We'll take time at our leisure this summer, and we hope you do the same.

Many of you created summer reading lists, and as you are reading, maybe you'll get back on and post your thoughts.

In the meantime, happy reading and happy blogging. I already miss all of you!


At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Barb

At 11:19 PM, Blogger Full_Frontal_Nerdity said...

Hey! It's Michael....thanks for inviting me!

At 1:07 AM, Blogger Ms. James said...

You're welcome!

At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - this is great thanks for the invite - I am looking and learning - oddly enough, my demo connects the visual image with writing

At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea! Especially the book reading blogs. Thanks.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Ashley said...

Hi Miss James. And I miss you too (very very much). Well just wanted to give you a little update about me: I'm doing well and still checking on the blog every now and then to see how everyone is doing. I am so bored at home but yet so busy at the same time. You should go to the Farmer's Market by the Battlefield Mall that's where I sell Strawberries. So hurry up before we have no more strawberries for the year. And I also want to say hi too. lol.

At 12:31 PM, Blogger mellofelloet said...

Ms. James. I miss you so much. I am really looking forward to this upcoming year. Hopefully you will let me stop by and say hello. I hope you had a good summer and I guess i will see you in about a week or two. Isnt that just sad. It feels like we just got out of school yesterday and we are going back. I hope to talk to you soon.


At 10:20 PM, Blogger KuroiKisu said...

O.O Ms. James I have dogs now that I'm in Texas! I bought two Chihuahuas! And now I have a girl lab too! Weee...she's getting so big I don't know what to do...and I'm confused about potty training mom keeps getting angry when they poop and pee around the house...what am I suppose to do?

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Katiedogg said...

Dear Mellofelloet, Gosh, Ms. James is very, very much going to miss you, too. I'm sure you've heard that she is traveling to high schools and middle schools in Missouri this year to talk about literacy - reading and writing. She sure hopes you will blog, and for this reason, she's keeping the blogspot open in hopes of hearing from you. Please know that her heart is with you, and who knows, maybe we can plan a blogging get-together sometime. In the meantime, keep blogging here, and good luck in the new school year. (email anytime, too!)

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Katiedogg said...

Dear Kuroikisu, I hope you'll post some pictures of your new pets! I was easy to train...Ms. James took me outside every hour or so when I first moved in and when I did my business outside, she clapped, made a big deal out of it, and gave me treats. It didn't take me long to figure out I'd get rewarded for this behavior. Now I ring a bell that she has hanging on the back door... all I have to do is ring it, and she lets me out! Good luck! Let your pups know you love them, and they'll do anything! P.S. We miss you. Keep blogging!


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