Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sixty Second Shakespeare: A Romeo and Juliet Review!

Remember when we visited the website which included video footage of one minute overviews of Shakespeare's plays? That is exactly the task we will be undertaking today. Here's a link back to that site. This should be fun!

Yesterday I was out, but you were watching the film versions of the play. They really are quite different, aren't they? The timing in the Luhrman version of the final scene creates a major shift in the theme...What did you notice, and how do those things you notice affect the overall theme? In order to analyze these two versions, we'll draw up some time lines in our cooperative groups.

Well, my friends, this may not be the Globe Theater, but 'tis enough; 'twill do! Good luck!

*A comment about blogging......The atmosphere in the virtual classroom of the blog is still

as important as my actual classroom. Please know that the most important rule of life is to be kind, and if you can't, then get out of the way!


At 12:02 PM, Blogger kdizzle16 said...

I thought that the ending of the older version was better and truer to the story than the Leo DiCaprio version. The new version strayed from the plot a little bit, with all the guns and stuff, and Romeo didn't even kill Paris. So this scene wasn't as suspenseful and dramatic as it was in the book.

At 5:20 PM, Blogger student1127 said...

i think that the end of both scenes just seem to happen all so fast, but i agree with kdizzle i like the older ending much more. =]


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