Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Final Days, Final Project, Final Thoughts!

Our final days together really are a celebration of all we've experienced and learned on this journey through freshman English. The benchmark tests for Honors English I will be administered on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, and after that, we'll be working on demonstrating the best blogging yet, our thoughts on pleasure reading, which will include a summer reading list, writing publication, and goals for reading and writing.

On your last blogging self-assessment, you set goals for improvement, and you were also asked to think about a final blog project - something related to your reading that you could research and share on the blog. This is how we will spend our final days!

In the meantime, many of you blogged over the long weekend. Once again, there is very interesting reading on the blog. Anna at the Disco writes about her life goals; check it out.
Bumblebee has quite an extensive suggested reading list, and I think you'll find some great ideas there. Lastly, BlondeC8 writes about allusions to literature we've read this year! (There is also a link to what Shakespearean play you are...)

Thanks again to all of you for making my reading such a joy. As always, happy reading and blogging!


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Scarlett_Rose said...

Ok, so just to get this cleared up, if I research Women's history (taken from "Gone With The Wind") then do I just make a blog about what I've researched?
Also, does this mean we continue to blog as our everyday blogging (two or more times a week) or do we just use this research project as our post?


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