Monday, March 05, 2007

Powerful Passages from Katie

Thoughts from Katie the Blogging Dog...

In curling up with a good book tonight, I came across a passage from a speech written in 1854 by Chief Seattle to President Pierce. I sniffed this out:

"All things share the same breath...the beast, the tree, the human...
What are people without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone,
people would die from loneliness of spirit."

I do think my mistress and family would be lonely without me. Chief Seattle was a very compassionate man. He asked not for money or even land for his people, but he asked that, "The white man treat the beasts of the land as his brothers. . ." I wonder what he would think today.

These lines were taken from a book written by Gloria Steinem entitled Revolution From Within, and I picked it off my mistress's book shelf, curious about what Steinem had to say about equality issues. She quotes Chief Seattle because he said that whatever "...happens to the beasts soon happens to the man. All things are connected." Interesting.

Find any interesting passages in your reading? Funny dialog? Beautiful description? Cliff hanging moments? Put them in your blog posts. It's always nice to read passages from other books to get an idea of what I might like to read next.

Tomorrow my mistress has an Odyssey quiz for you. Don't worry. I looked it over, and it's not bad if you read.


At 8:05 PM, Blogger Eliza101 said...

I find it really funny how you can get her to stay in those positions long enough for you to take a picture.


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