Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What Do Greeks Value Most?

It might seem puzzling as you read the second part of The Odyssey. Odysseus wants to test the loyalty of his subjects. Since he has been away, the suitors have violated the idea of hospitality while Odysseus, the "host," has been gone. As we pondered in class yesterday, is the bond between parent and infant child so strong that even after twenty years they would recognize each other? And why would the Greeks include a story about an old dog?

Reading about Odysseus and his faithful dog Argos makes me reflect on the wonderful, loyal pet friends I've had in my life. I guess you could say I am dog crazy; in fact, my whole family is. I can't think of a time that we haven't been blessed with canine companions. What do you think the story of Argos tells us about the ancient Greek culture? What role do pets play in our culture today? What does the way our society treats pets say about our culture?

My niece Krista visited the dog pound fifteen years ago and adopted the beautiful dog in this picture. You may recognize him from the many pet pictures I keep in my classroom. His name is Bo, and he dresses up for holidays, enjoys the festivities,and is loved by many. Bo has given my family immeasurable comfort in the years following my niece's untimely death. His life is a testimony to the therapeutic nature of a loyal and loving pet.

Looking for a great book? Author John Grogan writes a moving love story of man and dog in Marley and Me. Click on the title, and you can link to a great interactive site which offers pictures, blog posts, questions and answers from the author, and excerpts from the book. Give it a try. Comparing all this to the ancient story of Argos reminds me that the story of canine loyalty is seemingly eternal.


At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats up Mrs James i am in spanish in the lab so i figured that i would write to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At 3:55 PM, Blogger superw0men13 said...

Hey. I'm in computers, so I thought I would say hi! The puppet show is going to be fun.

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Ms. James said...

I agree! This should be fun!

At 7:21 PM, Blogger mellofelloet said...

Ms. James, i love the picture of the dog. i have 3 and one is 15 years old. i am a huge dog person and i would love to read the book Marley and Me. I have a lab mix. He tears up everything!

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Ms. James said...

mellofelloet, I'm glad you're a dog sap, too. I'd be happy to loan you my copy of Marley and Me.

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Ms. James said...

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