Monday, February 19, 2007

Common Courtesy: How Common Is It?

As we read about the ancient Greeks, we learn about their culture, what they value and what their manners are. We can see, for example, that it is polite to welcome strangers and make them comfortable, even without knowing anything about them. My how times have changed!

Here's a link to a site on universal manners. Did you know, according to this site, it is proper manners for youth to stand behind their chairs until all adults are seated at the dinner table? Or how about this one? It is considered rude to make harsh comments when assessing a team member's work! You'll find manners at this site for all ages and all occasions. There's even a window which allows you to submit your own questions or comments. Interesting reading!

Today we'll be reading about a recent manners survey which appeared in Reader's Digest. It should be good information for discussion. We'll also continue independent reading and tracking progress on the reading logs.


At 1:01 PM, Blogger KuroiKisu said...

I understand how the times have changed...and if my mother just invited someone random in and didn't even know their name. Nowadays everyone is really hostile and paranoid about what might happened if they did that. There are many scary people out there...:)

At 2:03 PM, Blogger mellofelloet said...

its true that times have changed and that people are not the same as they used to be manor wise but they are not all bad.


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