Monday, February 12, 2007

Monday, Monday

What or Who Frightens You Most?

Think of the villains and monsters you know from literature and history. Who are the most frightening to you? Who are the most powerful and why? As we get into our reading, it becomes clear that although Odysseus's strength is wisdom, but he's also fairly weak when it comes to pride. I enjoy reading the Odyssey because of the lessons still apply today, even though the story is pretty wild. It's interesting to see what the ancient Greeks valued.As to the monsters I have feared the most, I have to say that the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz was truly my worst childhood villainess. Interestingly, both The Odyssey and The Wizard of Oz have been compared as epic journeys, both main characters searching for themselves and for home. Think about it; there really are a lot of similarities.
posted by Ms. James @ 6:16 PM 0 comments links to this post


At 1:05 PM, Blogger KuroiKisu said...

Aliens REALLY SCARE ME!! O.O nobody believes that they are really out there, but I DO! ANd then one day they might take over Earth and then we're going to like cry and wish we knew that there were aliens out there! ahhh...:)


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