Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Story of Calypso, a Powerful Sea Nymph

No, this is not Calypso, but a sweet, baby girl (my new granddaughter) just entering the 21st century. She will be finding her way in a culture quite different from the one you'll be reading about today...or is it?

A suggestion for warm up writing today: In The Odyssey, why do you think so many of the monsters and negative forces were female? Who are more powerful, men or women? What might this say about the ancient Greeks? How does our culture view the role of men and women?

When you read the story of Calypso, what do you notice about the description of Calypso, her island, and all that she can offer Odysseus? It is said that this particular story is very appealing to the senses, and it is interesting to notice the details . . .clear, bubbling brooks, the scent of cypress, cedar smoke and smoke of thyme, beds of violets and parsley, Calypso's sweet voice . . . As you read (and hear) this story tomorrow, enjoy the images you visualize. (I've had students draw what they visualize in this scene as we read.)

Even with all this and the promise of immortality, Odysseus is seen weeping, gazing off into the horizon. With all of this in mind, what do you think this says about Odysseus? Why is he weeping, and what overall lessons could be drawn from the story? How might the ancient Greeks view marriage? How is Calypso shown differently in the poem on page 894 of your textbook? Which character do you prefer, the Calypso in The Odyssey, or the one presented in Vega's poem? By clicking on the word Calypso here, you can visit Vega's website and hear the second stanza of her song. (Be sure to click on the blue icon under the title to hear her recording.)

I hope you're enjoying reading about the journey. Look over the story of the Cyclops tonight, and tomorrow you will read (and hear) it together. Keep reading on your own in your independent reading books and tracking your pages on your reading log. Friday you'll get a chance to read those books in class and you'll turn in your logs. Don't forget there's another Greek/Latin cell word quiz on Friday.

Miss you guys and see you soon!


At 10:57 AM, Blogger betty said...

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At 11:04 AM, Blogger sadie star said...

She is so pretty! Have fun with the diapers feeding and crying!

At 11:05 AM, Blogger betty said...

this is the sweetest baby ever!! aww congrats!

At 2:07 PM, Blogger dumb~blonde said...

awww she is so cute!!!

At 2:11 PM, Blogger KuroiKisu said...

Have fun taking care of the new baby :)

At 11:53 AM, Blogger raalmyesyen said...

The baby is so cute!


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