Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Muppets Take the Parthenon

Before you begin preparation for your puppet show for Thursday's Greek festival day, we'll take a look at Greek drama. The ancient Greek culture certainly still impacts our culture today. Not only do we have root words, which we have been studying, but also art, drama, philosophy, democracy, Olympic sports, and more. The link to this web site offers a good overview.

Each group will be presenting a story from The Odyssey, and so in a way, you'll be teaching the rest of the class about your portion of Odysseus's journey. Although each of us should have read through all of part one and part two, your group will be the experts on your portion. So, as a group, you should be considering the message your story reveals about Greek culture. The rest of the class will take notes as you perform. We will all consider how the Greeks view loyalty, strength and wisdom, marriage, love, pride, jealousy, and so forth.
This project should shed light on Greek drama as well as Homer's epic poem. Break a leg!
...As a side note, email invitations have been sent out to each of you in preparation for Friday's premiere blogging day! If you see this on your email, just save it for Friday, and we'll help each other through the steps of signing on!


At 11:45 AM, Blogger betty said...

I can not wait till we do our puppets! i can already picture my puppet!! I will have fun with this project!! =]

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Erin said...

I can't wait for the puppet show.

At 12:08 AM, Blogger gangsterchick said...

ummmmm i was wondering what he link was to our 2nd english honors class blogspot was? i forgot to write the name down and its not on here. so yea. im working on my puppet and i wanted to stop by and say hi. making the puppets is alot of fun. for my dragon, i went to yahoo images and searched dragons to get an idea on how to make my dragon. i hope you like it and good luck o everyone on their puppet shows.

love ya,


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