Monday, March 19, 2007

Trial Testimony: Who Is The Better Attorney?

What do you think about the different styles of the two lawyers? Mr. Gilmer confronts the witnesses, but Atticus has an altogether different style. Who is more effective? Why does Mayella think Atticus is "mockin" her? What does Atticus end up proving about Bob Ewell?

We learn a lot indirectly about the witnesses as they are cross-examined, but we also learn a lot about the children as they watch the trial. Why is Dill asking so many questions? Why does he get sick? What was it that seemed to prejudice the jury and spectators against Tom?

From this point on, the book moves very quickly. Tonight's reading is chapters 20 through 22. Today we'll be reviewing our second drafts of our paper. Third draft and letter will be due on Wednesday, along with the other two drafts and team comments. I'll review the packet in class.

Happy reading and writing!


At 12:37 PM, Blogger KuroiKisu said...

Atticus because he never badgered the witnesses.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Clayton Bigsby said...

Badgering the witnesses can get out good answers. It would be crazy not to badger witnesses. If the lawyer was doing his job then he believed Tom raped her which is a huge offense in Alabama. They both had two different styles which badgered the witnesses in different ways. Honestly I agree with you, just not for that reason. Atticus defended Tom better then anyone could. The jury took forever to decide and that is a victory right there for someone defending a black person in the South at that time period.


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