Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Our Last Wednesday!

Tomorrow is our last Wednesday, and I'm not going to be able to share it with you. (Remember, Mr. Gratton is coming to talk about blogs and help finish up Romeo and Juliet.) You'll have a chance to talk about blogging, professional writing, and the play as well. You may have time to discuss the characters in Romeo and Juliet, particularly those you blame most for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. You may also get a chance to rewrite the ending, something I've always wanted to do.

At this point, you should be finished with your Romeo and Juliet study guides. If you have an unanswered question or two, you might ask your team for help. If you have whole passages blank due to absences, you need to make that up on your own time. Maybe you have a study partner or neighbor you can ask for help. Remember, there's always the blog. Throw your question out there and see if you get help!

Please bring your textbooks back to class for check-in. On the last day of class, you'll be asked to turn in the list of books you read this quarter, so if you don't have it now, bring with you the number of pages and authors as well. As part of your final, you'll be writing about your independent reading, the literature we've read together, the blogging we've done, and your growth as a writer!

See you then!


At 8:25 AM, Blogger Ms. James said...

Oh, my dear Kit Kat, don't fret! I'm so sorry that my cable is down and I didn't see your cry for help. The final is a self assessment of the English I Honors experience. In other words, you'll write about your reading habits (listing your independent reading for the second quarter with # of pages), an overview of what you learned from the texts we read together, and your blogging experience....NOTHING to memorize! With your wonderful writing ability (and I mean that) and your habits as a very good student, I know you'll do fine. And, yes, you'll get credit for the study guide! See you in class.


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