Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

So...we're ready for the party, and the two young lovers finally meet. What happened to Romeo's tears for Rosaline? Wasn't it just that same morning (in fact, even earlier that evening) that he was moping around, spouting love sick oxymorons? What is it that Romeo looks for in a woman? He sure is swayed by beauty. "Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!" is not a line about Rosaline, but rather he is referring to Juliet. It seems that Benvolio's advice worked!

By the way, what happened to the young girl (Juliet) who earlier that same evening said that she had never before thought of love? This doesn't seem like that same young girl, but rather a more witty, mature young woman. Of course, this is ironic because neither one of them really wanted to go to the party in the first place. Romeo went to see Rosaline, and Juliet went to view Paris.

Again, we learn more about Lord Capulet as he tells his nephew Tybalt to calm down and not to cause a scene over Romeo when he recognizes him by his voice. We also learn more about Tybalt who claims that his anger will not go away but only grow and get worse.

For a look at a dance demonstration from the American Ballet Co., click on this link to the Library of Congress which has recordings of hundreds of dance steps from various time periods.


At 4:33 PM, Blogger James Blonde said...

Ms. James... Did you get get yo dance on last night...

Cause today the whole class did!!!
I must say it was pretty awesome, I actually put so much effort into it that I broke a sweat. Can you believe that??

Well anyway thank you for providing our aerobic activity for the day, see you tomorrow,


At 7:52 PM, Blogger Ms. James said...

Star Girl, Rebecca, and James Blonde, thank you so much for your comments. It IS fun to dance and to imagine what life might have been like in that day. I was so impressed with ALL of our classes today that everyone got up out of their chairs, which was my hope. Gosh, Star Girl, what a great connection you make with Alanis M. Gosh, the "isn't it ironic" song is perfect for the situation. It is so ironic that Romeo changes immediately when he sees Juliet. Is life really like that? Maybe we need to listen to that song. Do you have it? Rebecca, I'm so pleased that you were pleasantlly surprised by the dance, and James, (even though you are anonymous to others) I noticed that Renaissance dancing is definately your forte!


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