Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Art Thou Ready to Read Shakespeare?

Tomorrow we will begin by looking at second drafts. I hope that first draft conferences helped you, but don't forget that in addition to the 6+1 traits (word choice, sentence fluency, organization, content and ideas, conventions, voice), you might also consider a change of form or genre.

I notice that some of you are blogging about Shakespeare. Good for you! Some of the most beautiful and lyrical lines of poetry appear in the play we are about to read, but there are always those of us who are intimidated by the language. For that reason, tomorrow we are going to "play" with words, Shakespearean words and elevated language. So get thy books out and thee shall enjoy a battle of barbs for the bard! You'll see; it's easy. If you want to get some practice in before class, click on the Shakespearean Insults site for fun!


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