Sunday, December 17, 2006

What's in a Name?

I've been reading your posts, and I see that many of you have been studying Act II, scenes one and two. You will notice as Act II begins, that it is just like Act I: the chorus comes out and tells the audience about Act II. It is a sonnet, and it sums up the story as it unfolds in Act II. Scene one is very brief, and it serves the purpose of letting the audience know that Romeo's friends don't know about Juliet. They think he still wants to be left alone to mope around alone about Rosaline.

Scene two is such an accident...or are there accidents in this play? Romeo seems to be drawn to the area where Juliet's balcony is, only he doesn't know where her room would be since he's a Montague and this is all strange to him. He is just lingering around, thinking about Juliet, and he isn't ready to go home yet since he is so love struck by her since the party. So... he's just hanging around, and he happens to hear her above, talking about HIM! So...what would you do if you accidently heard someone talking about you, and they didn't know that you were nearby listening? Would you speak up, or would you keep on listening? What does Romeo do? You're right if you are thinking that curiosity must get the best of him. He must hear what she says, and that is, of course, those famous lines about his name. As he is eavesdropping, he realizes that she is talking about him, and he can't contain himself any longer, so he speaks up.

The night lingers on, and they stay up talking out on the balcony, long enough to promise their eternal love to each other. Romeo says he'll make the wedding arrangements, and that's that. Hard to imagine, isn't it? We'll read these lines tomorrow and identify the imagery. These truly are beautiful lines, even if you don't believe in love at first sight!

We will also conference our poetry we wrote on Friday (and added to over the weekend) for Mr. Wolff. He encouraged you to have at least six poetic lines, and we will start from there! Adieu!


At 11:21 AM, Blogger Clayton Bigsby said...

one more comment to write!!! haha Do your work sheet faster


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