Thursday, October 12, 2006

What's In a Name?

Yesterday we talked about the power of words, especially when it comes to your identity. Juliet Capulet (Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet ) asks if a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Your given names, middle names, nicknames, display names, and even email addresses all identify you. Isn't it interesting how many of us said they didn't really like their names? What's important is our awareness of our audiences. Our friends may not call us by the same names our teachers, parents, or employers use for us. We'll be exploring persona while getting ready to set up our own weblog.

We will be "reseeing" our second drafts in class today, and we will discuss ways that an author might try to revise a paper, whether it be word choice, point of view, additional detail, reorganizing the order of the paper - intro., body, conclusion, and so forth. Be flexible when you look again at your own paper.


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