Sunday, October 22, 2006

We're Wired: Let's Talk!

What an effort it has been to get our Weblog up and running! Almost all of you are signed up and posting now. Way to go! This weekend I've been answering e-mails and sending new invitations out, so if you are having trouble, send me an e-mail, or if you are still struggling, I'll help you in class tomorrow. We're signed up for the big laptop lab again on Tuesday and Friday, so if the power holds out, we should be able to have plenty of time to solve our problems.

The book is getting good, isn't it? Just read the posts and comments on your class blog. It's really cool to get comments, so if you haven't done this yet, please be sure to respond to your fellow bloggers. Also, be sure to check your own posts for comments. If you have gotten one, be sure you respond back, especially if you were posed questions. Connections are what it is all about.

Well, my friends, happy reading and happy blogging! I think we're pretty amazing.


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