Monday, October 23, 2006

Tie Up Loose Ends

As we are nearing the end of first quarter, I want to thank all of you who helped me make the transition back into the classroom. Look at what you have accomplished:

l. You read The Odyssey and studied a bit of Greek Mythology.
2. You selected books for independent reading and are ready to share information
about your books.
3. We've written every day and read every day.
4. We have established writing workshop and completed a writing project.
5. We have set up our class weblog are all signed on, posting, and commenting.
6. We are reading To Kill A Mockingbird and studying vocabulary and literary elements.
7. We are exploring digital resources and establishing internet safety.
8. We are building a community of readers and writers.

My expectations are that you challenge yourself to stretch and reach higher limits in your academic endeavors. Don't look for the minimum output to reach a grade; do as much as you can do! You have every opportunity to read, write, research, explore and connect with others. Take advantage. Thanks for your efforts.


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