Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Rules of the Road

Tomorrow you will have a chance to explore what you may already know about some of the rules of grammar, punctuaton and so forth. It will give us a starting place for some of our mini lessons, and you'll keep track of your strengths and weaknesses and goals for improvement. I am looking forward to my Thursday return and getting our reading and writing workshop underway.

Tomorrow you may also have a chance to do some quiet free reading if there is time left after your diagnostic quiz. If so, please write the title and author of the book you are reading (and it must be with you in class) and with the last five to ten minutes of class (again, if there is any,) please free write your response to your reading. This can be anything from your opinion of the characters, the plot, setting, and so forh, to your speculation about what is going to happen, what the book reminds you of, and whether it is good, exciting, or difficult. There may not be a lot of time for this tomorrow, but use what time you have, and there will be more time on Friday.


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