Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Continuing Our Journey With New Direction

You are wrapping up your study of Odysseus's journey and your introduction to mythology. You may choose to read more on your own, but as a class, we have new directions to go. On a personal note, this journey in a wheelchair has been somewhat of an odyssey for me. It was amazing to finally meet my second and third block classes today. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet my first block class, but I will later this week. I'm glad you have started our semester with Greek mythology and The Odyssey because this will give us a background to other reading we'll do.

You may look at the rest of our study together as our journey, and I hope you know that we are all marking our course. We will learn as we go, and we may change direction as we need. Like Odysseus, we may run into challenges, but we will also find wonderful surprises along the way.


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