Thursday, August 31, 2006


Tonight is HOW night and I hope you were able to join the fun. It is a beautiful night, and tomorrow is your first Friday of the school year. I imagine you've learned a lot already this week. When I first came to Kickapoo, my big challenges included where to keep my ID tag so I'd remember it in the morning...what, if any, short cuts there were from class to to stay warm enough or cool enough in a building that can be unpredictable...and how to snag a good parking place in an overcrowded parking lot.

Tomorrow you're handing in your letters, and I'm anxious to see them. I can't write yet(I'm very clumsy with my left hand), but I'll figure out how to respond. I hope you are finding your way around and becoming comfortable with your schedules.
I know you've had an introduction to mythology and are ready to take off on a journey with Odysseus next week when you get your textbooks.

So, have a happy long weekend. If you haven't gotten your supplies yet, go shopping so that you have them for class on Tuesday. I hope you've also been able to find a great pleasure reading book because you need to start bringing that to class with you next week too. If you didn't get an idea of a book to read in class and are still looking, click on the underlined word book ,and it will link you to a great literature source full of suggested reading. Look at the Prinz awards. They're always good. Meantime, happy reading. See you soon.


At 5:32 PM, Blogger dominica_pilar said...

hey mrs. james! wow this whole thing is really impressive esp. considering you can only search and peck with one hand! anyways, i hope you had a good long weekend and i cant wait till you get better! miss you! lyl



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